Luxurious Bouquet
Flower Delivery from a Local Florist
Expertly Designed & Ready to Impress

Product Description

If you are looking for something exotic & colorful, this luxurious bouquet is definitely ‘The’ choice for you. Perfectly blended hues of blue, purple, pink & white, this charming bouquet is definitely love at first sight for people who love a luxurious and bright look.

The Luxurious Bouquet features White Rose, Blue Hydrangea, Purple Alstroemeria, Purple Stock, Pink Carnations, and other seasonal flowers along with assorted greens, and comes in an elegant crystal vase.

Traditional white roses are a classic pick for elegant flower bouquets and teaming up with purple stock, carnations, and greens makes the entire bunch look classic yet with a modern charm. While purple is a color of loyalty, pink and white add to its elegance. It represents innocence, warmth, and grace. Blue adds to the brightness of the bouquet, and it symbolizes hope and beauty. Who wouldn’t love this bunch of elegance? You can gift this royal bouquet at anniversaries, engagements, and birthdays of your loved ones.

Since we place the utmost importance on using only fresh and the best quality flowers in all our flower bouquets and floral arrangements, based on availability, the actual product design, colors, varieties, and container may slightly vary from the picture shown above.

Luxurious Bouquet



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